Gaveaux's Léonore, ou L'Amour conjugal

Opera Lafayette Season 2016-2017


Revolution is in the air. A political prisoner awaits death in his cell. A woman puts herself in mortal danger to seek justice. Ludwig van Beethoven modeled his Fidelio on Pierre Gaveaux and Jean-Nicolas Bouilly’s Léonore, ou l’amour conjugal. Bouilly’s French libretto, rich with themes that are relevant today, may be familiar to many. Some will recognize music in Gaveaux’s version which foreshadows the Beethoven. From the loneliness of Florestan’s dungeon to the triumphal reunion of husband and wife, everyone will be captivated by this setting of a timeless and inspiring story.

Full Program Book

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"The event was uncommonly rewarding" | Read Full Review
Musical America Worldwide, February 27, 2016

"Where in North America can you see 17th- and 18th-century French comic opera featuring an all French-Canadian cast? The unlikely answer is Washington, DC. The city’s company Opera Lafayette (OL) has been performing obscure French Baroque opera for 17 years." | Full Article | La Scena Musicale, February/March Issue

"Why does Opera Lafayette from Washington, DC come up to Montreal for rehearsals of its new production?" French Version | English Translation | Le Devoir, January 27, 2017


Washington, DC:
Sunday, February 19, 2017
Lisner Auditorium at George Washington University

New York City:
Thursday, February 23, 2017
Gerald W. Lynch Theater, John Jay College

Explore more performances from Opera Lafayette past seasons.