Friday Musical Moment: Œdipe à Colone

Our Friday Musical Moment is moving to a different schedule. While we will continue share musical excerpts on Friday's, they will no longer be on a weekly basis. Please stay tuned for updates about our Friday Musical Moment and exciting upcoming events.

In anticipation of our final Salon Series of the season, From Score to Modern Premiere, we are pleased to share with you 'Divinités d'Athenes protectrices' from Sacchini's Œdipe à Colone, Opera Lafayette's first modern premiere from 2005.

From Score to Modern Premiere begins on Thursday, May 6, 2021, 5:30 p.m. EDT. For our first session, Ryan Brown and musicologist Nizam Kettaneh will review their long-standing collaboration bringing modern premieres of French opera to the stage, including Sacchini's Œdipe à Colone.